HC 005 Books of the Bible
In depth exegetical and hermeneutical study of a particular book of the Bible. Course offerings will vary each year.
HC 011 Foundations in Scholarly Writing
This course will assist the student in writing sentences, paragraphs, reports, essays and
research papers on theological topics using Standard English writing procedures.
Instructor(s): Orlando Bogins
HC 024 Foundations for Ministry
An introduction to ministry and spiritual formation for the practice of ministry. Students will:
• Analyze biblical, theological and historical concepts relevant to “the call” to ministry.
• Develop an understanding of the nature and function of ministry itself.
• Explore the necessity and practice of spiritual formation for ministry.
• Discern, articulate and communicate their particular ministry “calling”.
A biographical statement of the student’s faith journey and call to ministry (6-12 maximum pages, typed and double-spaced) is required. A copy will be retained in the student’s file.
Text book(s):
— McNeal, Reggie. A Work of Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders.
Jossey—Bass, 2000. (ISBN: 078794288X)
— Johnson, Ben Campbell. Hearing God’s Call: Ways of Discernment for Laity and Clergy.
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2002 (ISBN: 0802839614)
Instructor(s): Dr. Jacqueline Nelson
HC 015 Highlights of Church History
A survey of the formation and development of Christianity from its beginning to modern times. Attention will be given to the biographies of major figures in the rise of the Church as well as major movements of the early, medieval, Protestant Reformation, and modern eras. The course will examine the expansion of the church, the development of Christian thought, the growth of Christian institutions and the conflicts which confronted the church from without and within.
Text book(s):
— Shelly, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language, 4th edition;
— Walton, Robert C. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History (Revised & expanded, edition)
Instructor(s): Carolyn DuBose
HC 040 Denominational History and Doctrine
An overview of denominational history, doctrine, and polity. Gives students ability to gain an appreciation and understanding
of Baptist thought and practice through 400+ years of history.(Required for Baptist students. Those from other denominations may take another course as an elective.)
Text book(s):
— Baptist World Alliance. We Baptists. Providence House Publishers: Franklin,Tennessee, 1999
— Fitts, Leroy. A History of Black Baptist. Baptist Sunday School Board: Nashville, 1985.
HC 010 Tools for Biblical Research / Writing for Theological Studies
This two-part course is designed to: 1) Acquaint the student with the biblical tools (including an overview of Biblical terms) necessary for appropriate and relevant biblical interpretation; 2) Provide a brief introduction to the nature and history of Biblical texts and the various methods utilized in interpreting the texts; and 3) Assist the student in writing sentences, paragraphs, reports, essays and research papers on theological topics using standard English writing procedures.
Text book(s):
— What They Don’t Tell You: A Survivor’s Guide to biblical Studies by Michel Joseph Brown, Westminster John Knox Press (ISBN: 06642222OX)
— Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms by Stanley Grenz, et. al. InterVarsity Press (ISBN: 0830814493)
Instructor(s): Ulysses Hollowell, D.Min., Orlando Bogins, Joy Challenger, John Duckworth
HC 055 Theology for Life
An overview of Christian biblical theology with the intent to put students in touch with practical application of biblical truths and doctrines. Students will increase their awareness and knowledge of the origins of many of the tenets of the Christian faith.
Instructor(s): Darryl S. Moore
HC 015 Highlights of Church History
A survey of the formation and development of Christianity from its beginning to modern times. Attention will be given to the biographies of major figures in the rise of the Church as well as major movements of the early, medieval, Protestant Reformation, and modern eras. The course will examine the expansion of the church, the development of Christian thought, the growth of Christian institutions and the conflicts which confronted the church from without and within.
Text book(s):
— Shelly, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language, 4th edition;
— Walton, Robert C. Chronological and Background Charts of Church History (Revised & expanded, edition)
— Marin, Norman H. and Hudson, Winthrop S. A Baptist Manual of Polity and Practice Revised Edition. Judson Press: Valley Forge, PA, 1991.
Instructor(s): Aaron Chapman; Carolyn DuBose
Remain Strong: The Foundation Of Christian Discipleship
As we embark on never encountered times in our society, we must re-discover ways to return to the foundation of Christian Discipleship. In this course we will give students the opportunity to re-discover and re-new the methods and practices of gaining and renewing strength in times of challenge and weakness. The key components of the course will allow the students to dig into the ways we have become disconnected in our daily lives and the best ways that scripture reminds us to re-connect and remain strong.
Instructor(s): Lanell Branch
The Substance of Belief
We will explore the world of training your spiritual eyes and ears to see what God has for us to do and be in the world. The substance of belief calls us forward to be spiritual warriors in a world that needs to know the love of God still transforms hearts, minds and changes lives.
Text book(s):
— The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer
Instructor(s): Minister Kyeisha Ward
HC 001: African American Biblical Interpretation
This course will address the de-Africanization of the Bible by uncovering how certain approaches to biblical interpretation are a part of the “politics of omission.” Further, it will re-Africanize the Bible by making evident how an African presence pervades the biblical text throughout every biblical period. Biblical texts will be examined and re-interpreted from an African American perspective to speak to issues that are relevant to the plight of Black people today.
HC 002: Old Testament Interpretation
An introduction to the literature, characters, doctrines and authority of the Old Testament within the Christian community. Through the use of assigned readings in the Bible and in secondary sources, students are expected to develop a working knowledge of the structure, content and meanings of the Old Testament in light of their historical and cultural contexts.
HC 003: New Testament Interpretation
An introduction to the culture, structure, canonical process, and methods of interpreting New Testament literature.
Instructor(s): Edward L. Branch
HC 003A: New Testament in the New Era
This course will address delivering effective ministry models and prophetic sermons based upon New Testament scriptures and theology. In this era of human history this course will assist students in creating impactful ministries and sermons that speak to the present age.
Instructor(s): Edward L. Branch
HC 004: Survey of the Bible (REQUIRED)
An introduction to the Bible–God’s inspired Word–and its content. Reading of the Bible in its particular context will be supplemented with information and readings on biblical times, geography, and history.
Text book(s):
— How To Read the Bible For All Its Worth by Gordon Fee and Doug Stewart Zondervan Publishing House (ISBN: 0310246040)
— The Good Book: Reading the Bible With Mind and Heart by Peter Games Harper Books (ISBN:0060088303)
Instructor(s): Carolyn DuBose; Gwendolyn Pettway
HC 005: Books of the Bible
Exegetical and hermeneutical study of a particular book of the Bible. Course offerings will vary.
Instructor(s): Carolyn DuBose, Mark Lyons, John Duckworth
HC 005B: Book of Romans
An in-depth study of the Book of Romans that concentrates on the use of spiritual gifts and the building of models & teams for ministry. In this course you will examine the ministry of Jesus and the historical church to provide insight into practical models for relevant ministry today. You will discover new views of scripture that both challenge and deepen your relationship with God.
Instructor(s): Rev. Mark J. Lyons
HC 005B: The Book of Acts
An in-depth study of the Book of Acts that concentrates on the spiritual authority and witness of believers. In this course you will examine the ministry of Jesus and the historical church to provide insight into models for relevant ministry today. You will discover new views of scripture for effective ministries that heal, witness, and fulfill the church’s mission and deepen your relationship with God.
Instructor(s): Rev. Mark J. Lyons
HC001 African American Biblical Interpretation
This course will address the de-Africanization of the Bible by uncovering how certain approaches to biblical interpretation are a part of the “politics of omission.” Further, it will re-Africanize the Bible by making evident how an African presence pervades the biblical text throughout every biblical period. Biblical texts will be examined and re-interpreted from an African American perspective to speak to issues that are relevant to the plight of Black people today.
HC 052 Black Theology
An introduction to the emergence of Black Theology in the United States. Major emphasis will be placed on Black Theology as it emerged within the context of the 1960's Civil Rights/Black Power movements. Special attention will also be given to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X as key figures that affected the shape of this movement, as well as the role of Black women and the womanism movement within Black Theology. This course is designed to examine the relationship between the African American experience and a faith in God as the liberator of that experience. It will address the obligatory mandate in proclaiming Jesus’ public sermon of liberation of the voiceless and emancipation of the downtrodden. The challenge will be to reinterpret our preaching and teaching through a gospel that has a reward of a full humanity for those who have believed in and practiced God’s will of justice for he marginalized. (DP-7)
— Hopkins, Dwight N. Introducing Black Theology of Liberation. (Maryknoll)
Orbis, 2000.
Instructor(s): Dr. John Duckworth
HC 015 Dynamics of the Black Church and Family
This course is designed to introduce the student to the fundamental relationships and dynamics between the Black Church and Black families. The goal is to examine the past, present and future of the Black family, as well as, identify the church’s role in each context. This course will engage perspectives of Black leaders on the connection of the Black Church and the Black family. It will survey the multiple dimensions of Black family life, the factors affecting family structures and the challenges Black families’ face in this 21st century. Finally, this course will help to both recognize and discover the diverse needs of Black families and engage intentional, practical strategies and models in which the Black Church can inform and equip itself to minister in meaningful and transformative ways.
Text book(s):
— Franklin, Robert M. Crisis In The Village. Restoring Hope in African American Communities. Fortress Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8006-3887-0.
— Hill, Johnny B. Multidimensional Ministry For Today’s Black Family. Judson Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-8170-1518-3
Instructor(s): Dr. Velva Burley Flowers
HC 016 History of the Black Church
An introduction to the study of the religious movements and institutions of African-Americans from the period of slavery to the present. Lectures, readings, presentations and discussions will focus on various topics, including: African religions in America; religion of the slaves; the rise of independent black Protestant churches; gender relationships within African-American religion; nationalism vs. integration; race relations in American church life; religion and politics in black American churches; the rise of Black Protestant denominations in the context of emancipation, migration and urbanization; the development of Islam, Judaism, Pentecostalism and other religious movements among African-Americans; religious aspects of the Civil Rights Movement; and the modern role of religion in African-American life. (DP-16)
Text book(s):
— Frazier, E. Franklin. The Negro Church in America.
— Lincoln, C. Eric. The Black Church Since Frazier. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.
HC 054 Life and Works of Martin Luther King, Jr.
This course will examine the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It will explore the stages of his public ministry from local civil rights activist to national leader of the anti-Vietnam War movement. It will trace the major theological concepts that informed him, and the shifting social and political issues to which he felt the need to respond. The course will consider the writings of Dr. King himself, as well as what others have written and said about him. (DP-8)
Text book(s):
— Cone, James H. Martin & Malcolm & America: A Dream or A Nightmare. Orbis Books: Maryknoll, New York (1991)
HC 027 Social Ethics of the Black Church
This course will examine the multiple challenges confronting the African-American community while exploring models of ministry evolving from the historical/social survival and resistance of the Black Church. While examining the multiple challenges confronting the African-American community, this course will explore the moral role of church leaders and the ethical responsibilities of those who serve as lay-leaders and ministers in the African-American faith community. In this context, attention will be given to the moral formation of African-American church leaders and the diversity of ways in which they engage in moral reasoning and decision making.
Text book(s):
— Joe E. Trull and James E. Carter, Ministerial Ethics: Moral Formation for Church Leaders, Second Edition (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2004).
Instructor(s): Robert O. Dulin, Jr.
HC 055 Theology for Life
An overview of Christian biblical theology with the intent to put students in touch with practical application of biblical truths and doctrines. Students will increase their awareness and knowledge of the origins of many of the tenets of the Christian faith.
Instructor(s): Darryl Moore
HC 001 African-American Biblical Interpretation
This course will address the de-Africanization of the Bible by uncovering how certain approaches to biblical interpretation are a part of the “politics of omission.” Further, it will re-Africanize the Bible by making evident how an African presence pervades the biblical text throughout every biblical period. Biblical texts will be examined and re-interpreted from an African American perspective to speak to issues that are relevant to the plight of Black people today. This course will introduce important works of and about Biblical interpretations by African American Scholars. Works to be read and discussed will pertain to the following topics: the African American encounter with the Bible, Africa and African American Imagery in the Old Testament, New Testament and the American debate over slavery. We will also cover the perspectives of womanist biblical interpreters.
Text book(s):
— Felder, Cain Hope. Stony The Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation. Minneapolis: Fortress 1991
Instructor(s): Darryl S. Moore
HC 005 Various Books of the Bible (30 clock hours)
Course Description: Exegetical and hermeneutical study of a particular book of the Bible. Course offerings will vary.
HC 054 Life and Works of Martin Luther King, Jr.
This course will examine the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It will explore the stages of his public ministry from local civil rights activist to national leader of the anti-Vietnam War movement. It will trace the major theological concepts that informed him, and the shifting social and political issues to which he felt the need to respond. The course will consider the writings of Dr. King himself, as well as what others have written and said about him.
HC 030-033 Studies in Community Leadership and Development
These courses will address various aspects of Community Leadership and Development for faith-based groups, including: Managing non-profit/faith-based organizations; grant writing; government and community resources; leadership skills and styles; board development; historical, biblical and social implications of activism for contemporary leaders; and strategic planning for urban ministry.
HC 023 Dynamics of the Black Church and Family
An introduction to the fundamental relationships and dynamics between the African American Christian church and the African American family. In view of the African American church as the central focal point of virtually all religious, social, economic, political, educational and familial pursuits, this course will explore these relationships from both historical and contemporary contexts. Implications for pastoral care and worship will be discussed.
Instructor(s): Dr. Velva Burley-Flowers
Social Justice Leadership for Everyday People
We often reflect on the history and current events and conclude that leadership for social justice issues is for people with special titles and special callings. However, what if the skills and gifts in our community together with our biblical heritage say different? What if you and I were equipped to do social justice in the places and spaces where we live our everyday lives? This class will help you see the social justice agenda of Jesus not just as racial equality (which is vitally important), but also in the many aspects of our daily lives.
Instructor(s): Pastor John Duckworth
Leading in Perilous Times
Leadership can be innate quality for some. It is also a developed quality for others. If you are interested in showing the light of Christ in the way you lead at your job, in your family, through interpersonal conflict, or fulfilling your call to ministry — This class will help you to make the connections in leadership and being a strong disciple in a dying world.
Instructor(s): Pastor Edward Branch
Leadership: The Miracles of Small Group Ministry
In this changing society, there is so much emphasis on big numbers and size. Yet, if we examine biblical models and successful endeavors, everything that has great impact started in the miracle of a small group. Discover and design your next small group miracle.
Instructor(s): Pastor Lester E. Thomas
HC 035 Christian Counseling/Pastoral Care
This course will address specific topics in pastoral care ministry and Christian counseling approaches.
Text book(s):
Instructor(s): Jacqueline Nelson & Gwendolyn Pettway
HC 026 Pastoral Care
The church and church-wide community are experiencing many needs that require pastoral care in all facets of living. This course will introduce students to pastoral care, the various classical models of pastoral care that have been employed in the church for many centuries, and the application of these models to situations unique to the life and ministries of black churches. This course will also examine the process of transforming the whole congregation into a “caring community” and will consider the use of various community resources in pastoral care ministry.
Text book(s):
— Dean, Kenda Creasy and Foster, Doug, The Godbearing Life: The Are of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry. Upper Room Books: Nashville. 1998.
— Rowatt Jr., G. Wade, Adolescents in Crisis. Westminster John Knox Press: Louisville, 2001.
— Smith, Efrem and Jackson, Phil, The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping our Culture. IVP Books: Downer’s Grove, 2005.
Instructor(s): Rev. Joy K. Challenger, Jacquelin Nelson
HC 043 Preaching Eulogies
This course will focus on developing sermons that proclaim the Gospel in the midst of death effectively and responsibly. Careful consideration will be given to the use of preaching as pastoral care.
Text book(s):
HC 034-037 Studies in Pastoral Care
These courses will address specific topics in pastoral care ministry, including: Substance abuse; ministry with families experiencing abuse; Christian counseling approaches; government and community resources; and navigating systemic structures.
HC 034 – Holistic Ministry in African American Churches
Using preaching, teaching and other ministry approaches to motivate African-American
congregations in building ministries to improve education, family, finances, politics, health,
and other areas affecting personal wholeness.
Text book(s):
— A Quest for Freedom: An African American Odyssey by Mac King Carter Four G Publishers (ISBN: 0962542385) - This book can be purchased at the school for $15 each
— Satan, I’m Taking Back My Health! by Jawanza Kunjufu
African American Images (ISBN: 0913543675)
Instructor(s): Dr. John Duckworth
Heal Thy Self
Many of us have encountered the challenge of life’s hurts, tragedies, and lived with some level of brokenness. Often times it is difficult to reconcile the losses, changes and traumas that life hands us. Yet, we know the miracles and wonders of having a relationship with Jesus. We invite you to spend time in this course connecting to your stamp of God’s image on your life and re-member your connections to healing, restoration and connection. This course will open up new perspectives on healing and restoration and give us some fundamental tools and principles of healing thy self.
— Total Forgiveness, R.T. Kendall
Instructor(s): Pastor Regina Johnson , Minister Kyeisha Ward
HC 020 Christian Education in the Black Church This course will explore the role of educational ministry within the Black Church context. An Afro-centric approach will be utilized placing emphasis upon the synthesis of African heritage, biblical faith, and educational approaches that are relevant to the needs and conditions of African-American people. This course will examine the tasks and purposes of Christian Education, the role of teacher training within the Black Church, the unique challenges that confront Christian educators in the Black Church, as well as Afro-centric models of Christian Education.
HC 021 Christian Worship in the Black Experience This course will explore how the African American worship experience can be structured to teach faith and to inspire the worshiper to action. It will also focus on the role of music in the Black Church and will assist students in implementing music in their context of ministry from a biblical and socio-cultural perspective. Various topics will be examined, including: the historical background of worship in the Black Church; various styles of worship; the Christian year and liturgical symbols; the relationship between worship and Black theology; and the structure and dynamics of the worship service.
HC 022 Church Administration This course details the study of church administration with emphasis on the Black perspective and will equip leaders in the understanding and employment of group management dynamics. Theories and practice of church organizational development, program administration, volunteers, membership and financial management from systems and religious perspectives will be considered. Philosophical and theological viewpoints of administration and future implications for ministry will be explored. The Objective of this course is to place emphasis on the area of church administration in an ecclesiastical setting. We will intertwine biblical principles with our required church administrative text; to give a solid theological foundation for leading the body of Christ administratively in the 21st Century ministry
Text book(s):
— Church Administration Handbook A Revised and Completely Updated Edition.1997 ISBN13: 978-0-8054-1061-7 Instructor(s): Rev. Aaron Chapman
HC 025 Ministry with African American Urban Youth (Ministry with Inner-City Youth) This course is aimed at developing effective ministries which identify and respond to the unique needs of youth, primarily African Americans, residing in urban areas. Attention will be given to assessing the culture of today’s youth, factors which distract them from purposeful living, and the formation of ministry strategies which go beyond basic church activities. The purpose of this course is to equip the student for effective ministry with African American inner city (urban) youth. Whether in full time youth ministry or a part time volunteer, this course will give you the skills to critically access the culture of today’s urban youth and utilize those skills in ministry. Further, each student will develop their own philosophy of youth ministry and use it as a guiding principle in developing, supporting or evaluating youth ministry in their own congregation. In the end, it is hoped that the student will be able to minister with youth in a way that will result in a new generation of committed individuals in a loving relationship with Christ and faithful to the ministry to the church.
Text book(s)
— Dean, Kenda Creasy and Foster, Doug, The Godbearing Life: The Are of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry. Upper Room Books: Nashville. 1998.
— Rowatt Jr., G. Wade, Adolescents in Crisis. Westminster John Knox Press: Louisville, 2001.
— Smith, Efrem and Jackson, Phil, The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping our Culture. IVP Books: Downer’s Grove, 2005. Instructor(s): Rev. Joy K. Challenger
HC 028 Studies in Ministry This topical course is designed to explore specific concepts, strategies, and techniques of ministry. The entire concept of ministry will be surveyed from its biblical base to its present-day expression. Course topics will vary. Text book(s):
Instructor(s): Rev. Robert Dulin, Jr.
HC 028 Spiritual Formation This course is will This course focuses on the processes and goals of spiritual formation (the ordinary maturing of one's relationship with Abba God) in the life of the Christian minister, counselor leader or layperson from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint including personal, biblical, theological, psychological, and historical perspectives. The student will engage the historic disciplines and practices of the Christian faith that promote intimacy with God and Christ-likeness in character with the goal of fostering ongoing personal vitality essential to ministry and the ability to facilitate spiritual renewal and consistent discipleship in others – impacting the “marketplace”. This course is a combination of lectures, discussions and experiential exercises, designed to facilitate a Christ-like transformational journey.
— Conformed to HIs Image: Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation by Kenneth Boa
— The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence; The Holy Bible Instructor: Katherine James
HC 035A Ministry in the Face of Trauma This course is an introduction to equipping students to serve others impacted by systematic, community and personal trauma. Students will gain insight into appropriate responses to trauma, and develop practical ministry steps to build trauma-informed ministries.
— Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror; Judith L. Herman ISBN 978-0465-06171-6
— Facilitating Resilience and Recovery after Trauma; Lori Zoellner and Nora C Feeney (Editor) ISBN 978-14625-13505
— Bearing the Unbearable: Trauma, Gospel and Pastoral Care; Deborah Van Deusen Hunsinger ISBN 978-0-8028-7103-9
— Fresh Beginnings: The Breakthrough Devotional for Emotional Healing; Gwendolyn Pettway ISBN 978-2-4787-2388-2-51295
Social Justice Leadership For Everyday People
We often reflect on the history and current events and conclude that leadership for social justice issues is for people with special titles and special callings. However, what if the skills and gifts in our community together with our biblical heritage say different? What if you and I were equipped to do social justice in the places and spaces where we live our everyday lives? This class will help you see the social justice agenda of Jesus not just as racial equality (which is vitally important), but also in the many aspects of our daily lives.
Instructor(s): Pastor John Duckworth
Heal Thy Self
Many of us have encountered the challenge of life’s hurts, tragedies, and lived with some level of brokenness. Often times it is difficult to reconcile the losses, changes and traumas that life hands us. Yet, we know the miracles and wonders of having a relationship with Jesus. We invite you to spend time in this course connecting to your stamp of God’s image on your life and re-member your connections to healing, restoration and connection. This course will open up new perspectives on healing and restoration and give us some fundamental tools and principles of healing thy self.
— Total Forgiveness, R.T. Kendall
Instructor(s): Pastor Regina Johnson , Minister Kyeisha Ward
HC 041 Homiletics Course Description: An introduction to the art of preaching with emphasis on theory, sermon structure, development and delivery. Students will have the opportunity to deliver at least one fully prepared sermon in class. Required for students in the Diploma of Ministry–Preaching Concentration.
Text book(s):
— Johnston, Graham MacPherson. Preaching to a Postmodern World. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House (2001)
— Wilson Paul Scott. The Practice of Preaching. Nashville: Abingdon Press (1999) Instructor(s): Rev. Edward L. Branch
HC 042 Major Modern Preachers A study of the biographies and preaching styles of notable preachers whose ministry reached into the 1950s and beyond. This course will make use of published sermons and recordings. Students will study the theology of individual preachers, their sermon structure, use of language, and the relevance of their sermons to any identifiable social and/or political issues of their generation.
HC 043 Preaching Eulogies This course will focus on developing sermons that proclaim the Gospel in the midst of death effectively and responsibly. Careful consideration will be given to the use of preaching as pastoral care.
HC 044 Preaching in the Black Tradition This course is designed to introduce students to the history, techniques, themes and leading practitioners of Black Preaching. Through the use of lectures, assigned readings and video and audio recordings, students will discover the rich diversity of styles that constitute what some people perceive to be a monolithic expression.
HC 045A "Thinking" Preaching This seminar will focus on developing personal techniques in identifying sermon ideas in one’s environment. Attention will be given to the significant role of the Holy Spirit in sermon structure and development, models of “thinking” preaching, and the use of illustrations in sermons. Offered in alternating summers.
HC 045B Preaching the Prophets This course will give practical guidance on how to develop and deliver clear sermons from the major and minor prophetic texts.
HC 045C Transformational Preaching How does preaching transform lives? What personal and preparatory considerations are necessary for transformational preaching? This seminar will address these questions and will focus on the power and dynamics of preaching that transforms. Offered in alternating summers. (HC 045B)
HC 051 Believing in God What does it mean to believe in God? This course will explore experiences of God in the Christian community and teachings about God which arise in connection with them. How those teachings reflect experiences of faith and are challenged by other religions and philosophical positions will be examined.
HC 053 Life and Works of Howard Thurman This course will examine the life and central theological motifs in Howard Thurman's thought. Attention will be given to his theological methods in the understanding of mysticism, God, self, Christology, eschatology, evil, community and the spirituals.
HC 055 Silent No More: Responsible Sexuality and the Role of the Church This course will engage students in a theological conversation of "sexual responsibility". Recognizing that sex is a sacred gift from God, the church must begin to intentionally engage in conversations about responsible sexuality, particularly as studies show that Christians are having sex beyond the scope of marriage. The church can no longer remain silent nor relegate itself to only speak about sex and sexuality within the context of abstinence or celibacy. Christians must begin to engage in a healthy and holistic view of themselves as both spiritual and sexual beings and the responsibility thereof.
Instructor(s): Genetta Y. Hatcher
HC 029 Women in Ministry This is a course for and about women in ministry. It will examine the lives of Biblical women as the point of departure for the lives of all women; God’s inclusive plan for women in ministry; and present day challenges, struggles, issues, and strategies for women in ministry. This course is open to active clergy as well as those who are aspiring to a vocation in professional ministry.
HC 056 Womanist Theologies This course will focus on theological literature produced by Womanist scholars. The term womanist is used primarily by African American female religious scholars to distinguish themselves from feminist scholars (predominantly white female) and Black theologians (predominantly Black males). “Womanist” scholarship gives expression to African American women’s efforts (political, cultural, emotional, psychological, spiritual) to resist the “interlocking system” of multiple oppression (racism, sexism, and classism) that would thwart the life and well-being of African American women and men as well as girls and boys.
Stewardship Part I: Managing Money & Time
Stewardship has often been used synonymously with money in church tradition. However, scripture has been clear that we are to give and manage our time, talent, and treasure for Kingdom building. This class will give us biblical insight and practical framework to be effective stewards of all the money, talent, time and life that God has freely given us
Instructor(s): Pastor Lester Thomas
Stewardship Part II: Free and Abundant Living
What does it look like to live abundantly? This class is an ongoing conversation that will give us the opportunity to make the connections between biblical insight and practical framework to free and abundant living. We will develop stewardship skills to help us live as effective stewards of our money, talent, time and life that God has freely given us.
Instructor(s): Pastor Lester Thomas
Heal Thy Self
Many of us have encountered the challenge of life’s hurts, tragedies, and lived with some level of brokenness. Often times it is difficult to reconcile the losses, changes and traumas that life hands us. Yet, we know the miracles and wonders of having a relationship with Jesus. We invite you to spend time in this course connecting to your stamp of God’s image on your life and re-member your connections to healing, restoration and connection. This course will open up new perspectives on healing and restoration and give us some fundamental tools and principles of healing thy self.
— Total Forgiveness, R.T. Kendall
Instructor(s): Pastor Regina Johnson , Minister Kyeisha Ward